How do the used hybrid copper enterprises maintain value by using the futures market? 废杂铜企业如何利用期货市场进行保值?
The CPL level was regarded as the copper level, the mean value of basic level was ( 3.8 ± 1.1) unit. 以血浆铜蓝蛋白水平作为铜水平的代表,基础水平的平均值是(3.8±1.1)单位。
Commentary on the Difference between the Copper Value of the Imported Children Milk Powder and the International Standard 进口婴幼儿奶粉铜含量与国际差异评述
With the amount of NH_4Cl increases, the copper particles become smaller, and when the value of n ( Cu): n ( NH_4Cl) is 1 ∶ 1, the copper particles become cuboid from spheroid. NH4Cl可使铜粉的粒径变小,当Cu与NH4Cl的摩尔比为1∶1时铜粉的形貌会由类球形向正方体转变;
The adsorption rate depends on the size of the stone, dosage. concentration of copper cation, pH value in solution and temperature, etc. 其吸附率与粒度、用量、铜离子浓度、溶液的pH值和吸附时的温度等因素有关。
The results of TEM and XRD showed that the selectivity of Cu/ SiO2 catalyst was high when copper particle size was about 33 mn and the crystallinity of copper reached definite value. TEM及XRD测试表明,铜粒子大小为33mn左右且具有一定结晶度时催化剂选择性较高。
The preliminary copper freezing point value was 1084.92 ± 0.1 ℃. 初步测定的铜凝固点值为(1084.92±0.1)℃。
The results of XRD showed that the selectivity of Cu/ SiO 2 catalyst was very high when the crystallinity of copper reached a definite value. Too high or too low copper crystallinity would result in more by-products and less selectivity for indole. 当Cu/SiO2催化剂中金属铜的晶体达到一定结晶度时,其选择性很高,铜晶体的结晶度过高或过低都会导致副产物增多,吲哚选择性降低。
Since tin and copper associated ore have a high economic value, good study on this resource is important and help enterprise's sustainable development, and get the benefit increased. 锡铜共生矿综合经济价值高,开展课题研究利用好该资源,不论对企业的可持续发展,提高经济效益,还是在学术研究上,都具有重要的意义。
Serum copper and copper/ zinc ratio may be of value in larynx cancer stages. 血清铜含量及铜/锌比值对喉癌的分期有一定的辅助价值。
The effects of copper ions, ammonia, pH value and sulfite on the anodic oxidation of thiosulfate ions were investigated in detail. 详细考查了铜离子、氨、pH及亚硫酸盐对硫代硫酸根离子阳极氧化的影响;
The result indicated that serum copper concentration and copper/ zinc ratio would be of great value in supervising the change of patients with malignant lymphoma. 提示血清铜和铜/锌比值的测定对监测恶性淋巴瘤患者的病情变化有一定价值。
This area is the geochemical one with high copper background value and has the favourable condition for copper mineralization. 本区为铜的地球化学高背景场区,具有较好的铜矿成矿条件。
Effect of Dietary Copper Levels on Biological Value of Iron and Zinc 日粮铜水平对铁、锌生物效价影响的研究
The relation between serum copper value and placental function in pregnant women 孕妇血清铜值与胎盘功能的关系
Comparing to other processes, The method at the treating results and expenses all displayed more superior, and for the treatment of actual containing copper waste water provided the good consult value. 与其它处理工艺相比,二次混凝法在处理效果及处理费用方面均显示出了优越性,为实际含铜废水的处理提供了很好的参考价值。
The result shows that the peak temperature point of rotor appears at the central section of the insulated layer and the copper winding of the cooling vent with the value of 90.008 ℃, which basically coincides with the measured value. 计算结果表明:转子温度最高点出现在冷却气流出口的绝缘层和铜绕组的中心剖面上,温度值90.008℃,与实测结果基本相符。
Then, the paper puts forward the determination method of water and copper temperature criterion value of stator bars in condition monitoring with the calculation results. 根据线棒内三维温度分布的计算结果,提出了状态监测中定子线棒内铜温和水温标准值的确定方法。
Gold is high in flotation tailing of copper and have potential economic value. 浮选铜矿尾砂中的Au含量较高,有潜在的经济价值。
It is possible to obtain the data of pulsed method which is well agreed with the data of steady field method at as low field as 6 T if the thickness of sample's copper is larger than certain value. 在一定的铜厚下对某些样品甚至可在低至6T的脉冲磁场下获得和稳恒场一致的数据。
It calculates the magnetic susceptibility of diamagnetic medium of copper, and compares the result with the recognized value in the general books. 根据所得公式,以常见的抗磁质铜为例,估算出了磁化率.这一定量计算结果,在数量级上与一般物理学文献中所公认的数值吻合得很好。
The attached tables of transformer annexe copper loss will be of some value to readers in their practical application. 本文还给出变压器负荷波动附加铜损的有关计算表格,具有一定的实用价值。
The compared experiments find that in the corroding type of testing medium ( acid rain of a simulated city), the oxygenation can be observed in the anodic area, but because the BiTA stabilize the copper, the peak value of the electric current is obviously reduced. 对比试验发现,在腐蚀型测试介质中(模拟城市酸雨),阳极区可以观察到氧化现象,但是由于BiTA对铜锈的稳定作用,峰值电流明显降低。
A study on the effects of copper sulfate and pH value on the immune capability of oyster blood 硫酸铜和酸碱度对河蚌血细胞免疫功能影响的研究
The results show: the resistivity of single crystal copper wire is rising along with the increasing of plastic deformation value. Its reason is that the distortion degree of the microstructure of single crystal copper wire will be aggravated while the plastic deformation value increases. 结果表明,单晶铜线材的电阻率随塑性变形量的增加而上升,其原因是由于单晶铜线材的微观组织畸变程度随塑性变形量的增加而加剧。
The contents of available copper could be decreased obviously by reducing the Eh value. 土壤处于Eh值极低的情况下,其有效铜含量大幅度降低,甚至成倍降低。
Establish three provinces in each age group peripheral blood calcium, iron, copper, magnesium reference value range, to provide a reference for the clinical diagnosis. 确立三省份各年龄组末梢血钙、铁、铜、镁元素参考值范围,为临床诊断提供参考依据。
In order to fill these micro-holes completely and to decrease the difficulty in CMP technological process, computer simulation of bottom-up filling for electroless copper deposition has not only great theoretical value, but also has application value. 为了最有效的完全填充这些微孔,减少CMP工艺的困难,计算机模拟超级化学铜填充过程,不仅具有很大理论价值,而且具有直接的应用价值。
The influences of the factors such as the Fe dosage, the iron/ copper quality ratio, the pH value and the reaction time have been investigated. 考察了铁投加量,铁铜质量比,pH值,搅拌时间等因素对色度去除效果的影响。